Missing cat, Sydney - photo

Missing cat, Sydney

Francis Street, Sydney

Male 3-year-old timid tabby cat with black and beige stripes (looks almost like a Bengal cat but isn't one). He is one of two rescue cats we have at our apartment. We had guests to stay whilst we were away and we think one of them accidentally locked him out on Sunday evening. They also heard a big cat fight so the only conclusion we can draw is that he's had a fight with the neighboring cat and run away. He is extremely timid so if anyone sees him he's likely to run and hide. Please call us for any sightings, I think he will only really respond to my voice or gentle coaxing with tuna.


Francis Street, Sydney
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Wed, 11.01.2023
Sun, 08.01.2023
Owner name
Yula Morgan

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