Cat found, Sydney - photo

Cat found, Sydney

Shale Hills Loop, Sydney

Hi, We found two kittens in west hoxton on Blackburn ave. We went for a walk and as we went pass this street they started following us, we went door knocking in the area where we found them left and right from where we found them and all of the people who opened their door did not know any information about them, as it was late Saturday night there was no rescue to open to contact. As they were almost heading towards on going vehicles we took them home as didn’t want to keep them on the busy road. If these are your kittens please contact me on 0402126476 I have contacted Liverpool council but nobody has reported them missing and took them to the vet and they were not microchipped yet as they were only around 1 month. Concerned someone may have lost them, they may have escaped from their backyard when their owners were away or might be stray. If I’m unable to find their owner please reach out if you are interested to adopt them most likely strays. Doing all I can to see if they have a owner. Please contact me if this is you. They are well and safe.

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Shale Hills Loop, Sydney
Listing number
Pet's gender
Thu, 22.12.2022
Sat, 10.12.2022
Finder's name

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