Lost Female Indian Ringneck in Cardiff - photo

Lost Female Indian Ringneck in Cardiff

Queens Avenue, 4, Lake Macquarie City Council

Indian ringneck, female missing from cardiff. She has opened her cage on the 2/8 and escaped. She will talk but depends who too, her most used words consist of ‘whatcha doing’ ‘come on’ ‘peek boo’ ‘kissy kissy kissy’ ‘ralphy’ & ‘zeusy’ but says many of other things.

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Queens Avenue, 4, Lake Macquarie City Council
Listing number
Pet's gender
Mon, 05.08.2024
Fri, 02.08.2024
Owner name

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing al490635 posted on Facebook Pet911 New South Wales
Published: 05 August 2024, reply

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