Lost Bird: Blue, White & Grey, 5 Yrs Old | Attfield St, Gosnells - photo

Lost Bird: Blue, White & Grey, 5 Yrs Old | Attfield St, Gosnells

Attfield Street, 47, Gosnells

she's 5 years old, her colours are blue white and grey. She isn't hand tamed but will come onto your hand if it's closed in a fist. Her cage broke in the carpark of Maddington shopping centre, if anyone finds her please let me know, she's my best friend

How you can help

Attfield Street, 47, Gosnells
Listing number
Pet's gender
Tue, 03.10.2023
Tue, 03.10.2023
Owner name
Mykala Henderson

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing al487299 posted on Facebook Pet911 Western Australia
Published: 03 October 2023, reply

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