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Lost Cat: Enoch - Coomera QLD 4209 - photo

Lost Cat: Enoch - Coomera QLD 4209

Red Gum Terrace, 9, Gold Coast

ID: 175025 LOST CAT: Enoch - Coomera QLD 4209 Contact this Member: MISSING!! My kids keep leaving the doors open and my baby got out early this morning. He is an indoor only cat. He went missing from Red Gum Terrace Coomera. Last seen on our video cameras at 2:33am leaving the front yard. Ginger Tabby Medium length coat Medium size No collar Desexed - tattoo in ear Microchipped I am distraught and just want him home. If you see him please call 0426809375 immediately. Missing Since: 13 Jun 2023 Name: Enoch Type: Cat Gender: Male Age: 5 years Desexed: Yes Breed: Domestic Medium Hair Colour: Ginger Size: Medium Collar/Tag: N/A

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Red Gum Terrace, 9, Gold Coast
Listing number
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Thu, 15.06.2023
Tue, 13.06.2023

Comments 2

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing al485846 posted on Facebook Pet911 Queensland
Published: 15 June 2023, reply
Facebook group comment
Enoch has returned home safely. Thank you everyone for your help. See full comment
Published: 21 June 2023, reply

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