Desperate Search: Missing Cat on Mahogany Loop - photo

Desperate Search: Missing Cat on Mahogany Loop

Mahogany Loop, 18, Cockburn

He went missing on Mahogany Loop, Atwell 6164 He usually comes home but this time he hasn’t which is very unlike him, I unfortunately lost his mother who was hit by a car so losing him aswell has been very hard. I’m scared that he is either passed away or someone has stolen him. I delivered missing posters to every house on the street and left my phone number on the missing post but unfortunately haven’t heard anything.


Mahogany Loop, 18, Cockburn
Listing number
Pet's gender
Thu, 03.08.2023
Sat, 01.07.2023
Owner name
Taylah Ashwin

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing al486395 posted on Facebook Pet911 Western Australia
03 August 2023

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