1,196 listings

Database of missing and found pets

Lost Ginger Tabby in Lidcombe Area
Lost Ginger Tabby in Lidcombe...
Male, Ginger Tabby. Last seen 3 October 2024...
Thu, 03.10.2024
Missing 5-Month-Old Cat: Houison St, Sydney
Missing 5-Month-Old Cat: Houis...
He's approx 5 months kinda nervous is white w...
Tue, 01.10.2024
Lost Grey & White Cat: Coulson St, Sydney
Lost Grey & White Cat: Coulson...
Grey and white cat with pink black nose. Lost...
Listing is boosting
Sun, 29.09.2024
Abyssinian Cat Found Deceased on Reynolds St
Abyssinian Cat Found Deceased...
We are heartbroken to find the deceased body...
Wed, 25.09.2024
Lost Cockatiel: Yellow Head, Grey Body, Flora St
Lost Cockatiel: Yellow Head, G...
Cockatiel. Grey and white body with yellow he...
Sun, 22.09.2024
Lost Cinnamon Rabbit: Alfred St, Bayside
Lost Cinnamon Rabbit: Alfred S...
Cinnamon coloured, large ears! 1yr old, male...
Thu, 19.09.2024
Lost Light Blue Talking Ringneck in Blacktown
Lost Light Blue Talking Ringne...
Make talking tamed ringneck with boldness aro...
Wed, 18.09.2024
Found: Friendly Ragdoll Cat on Greenacre Rd
Found: Friendly Ragdoll Cat on...
Very friendly Ragdoll, shaved on both sides o...
Tue, 17.09.2024
Lost Blue Bellied Lorikeet in Willoughby
Lost Blue Bellied Lorikeet in...
My 10 week old baby was outside in her cage w...
Mon, 16.09.2024
Missing Cat: Mimi, White with Spots - The Hills
White cat with brown and black spots. Female,...
Listing is boosting
Mon, 16.09.2024
Lost Ginger Tabby in Canterbury-Bankstown
Lost Ginger Tabby in Canterbur...
A Scottish Shorthair Red(Ginger) Tabby Boy, H...
Sun, 15.09.2024
Urgent: Missing Minka - St Ives Tonkinese
Urgent: Missing Minka - St Ive...
Urgent Missing Minka Tonkinese Cat from St Iv...
Sat, 14.09.2024
Lost Grey Tabby Cat, Meredith St, Canterbury
Lost Grey Tabby Cat, Meredith...
2 year old male, grey tabby, white paws
Mon, 09.09.2024
Lost Grey Cat in Penrith - Last Seen in Drain
Lost Grey Cat in Penrith - Las...
Ran away and hid in the drain while we were m...
Fri, 06.09.2024
Lost Meyers Parrot in Canterbury-Bankstown
Lost Meyers Parrot in Canterbu...
Ollie is a friendly 4 year old Meyers parrot...
Thu, 05.09.2024
Lost Bird: Buzz Missing on Boden Ave, Strathfield
Lost Bird: Buzz Missing on Bod...
Small talks his name is buzz
Wed, 04.09.2024
Missing Dog Canela: Blue Collar, Scars, Fairfield
Missing Dog Canela: Blue Colla...
Canela, female , blue collar, small scars on...
Wed, 04.09.2024
Missing White Husky - Contour Rd, Sydney
Missing White Husky - Contour...
Female pure white Siberian husky. Chipped and...
Listing is boosting
Mon, 02.09.2024
Lost Brown Male Cavoodle on Sixth Ave, 354
Lost Brown Male Cavoodle on Si...
Cavoodle, Male, brown,
Mon, 02.09.2024

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