Lost timid cat in Bayswater, WA - photo

Lost timid cat in Bayswater, WA

Bayswater, Western Australia

Hi everyone, My cat Miss Marple is 2.5 yo female small size shirt hair cat. She is a timid and shy cat who typically goes out for a few hours before returning on the same day. She is not accustomed to eating food out of people's hands, and is not particularly vocal. However, she was last heard screaming in my front yard after an encounter with a mischievous neighbour’s cat 5pm ish on 13/07. It is likely that she ran away and hid somewhere in a state of fright.


Bayswater, Western Australia
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Sat, 15.07.2023
Sat, 15.07.2023
Owner name

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing al486140 posted on Facebook Pet911 Western Australia
15 July 2023

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