Missing cat, Adelaide - photo

Missing cat, Adelaide

Sherbrooke Road, 11, Salisbury Park

Usher is a maincoon / mix male cat.would be 3.5 years old.Microchipped, desexed but never wore a collar..He has a ginger spot on his left face, large white main, and a white sock on back of left leg.Grey fluffy tail.Has tabby makings, very fluffy. He can e very skittish which is why I can't say he has been stolen as he's very quick cat.BUT I M not leaving the idea that maybe someone has taken him.He went missing on a Sunday night raining heavy.salisbury park area Adelaide diwn sherbrooke road. He went out the back yard at 730pm and I said be a good boy see you later on tonight which is around 1030pm.He never came back inside so I imagined he was out playing. The next morning I noticed his toy sick was moved so he must of came back when I went to bed.830am in the morning and still no usher. I dud oer 250 flyers, located vets, council RSPCA AWL etc.Need him home.Cats don't just vanish.if you know where he could be please contact yvonne 0418850387.thank you


Sherbrooke Road, 11, Salisbury Park
Listing number
Pet's breed
Pet's gender
Wed, 22.03.2023
Mon, 16.05.2022
Owner name

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Lost and Found Pets Australia
Listing al485023 posted on Facebook Pet911 South Australia
23 March 2023

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